Friday, September 24, 2010

Stolen: Honda Chop in Canada

Our brutha of a nutha mutha got his Honda Chop stolen from his home yesterday, if any of you in canada read our blog please keep a lookout for it as this bike has seen more miles in a year then most goldwings.

Owner: Shawn Britton

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

4500 miles later...

... and 12 different states, I'm back in the Devil's Playground!!! Rode some awesome roads and met some amazing people!! My bike ran great and the weather was good. I'm looking forward to my next one which I'm thinking up the coast into Vancouver... we'll see but I'm definitely heading out on my own again next year. Until then, I'll be with my boys... VC PRIDE.


Two Slice Full Featured Toaster will Toast the Image of Jesus Christ on Your Daily Bread!?!?!?

I'd have to toss some mayo on that and spread it around!

Being the "Green" conscious thinker that I am I cant wait for the Satan's impression toaster to come out "it's self powered!"

Sunday, September 5, 2010