The first pic is the last shot of me with her tonight. My wife snapped it in the garage as i was talking too my buddy.
All things must come to an end. unexpectedly tonight was my last night with The Creeper. a good friend showed up too the garage too check her out and give her a spin then threw money at me and she was to give her a last ride too his house and shes still the funnest bike i think ill ever own. Some of the funnest times I've had in my life have been on that bike. I've made life long friends because of her. I've had life changing rides on her. And I've scared this shit out of myself more times than i could count on her. luckily shes going too a good friend around the corner and its his first bike. therefore ill be able to help him along the way with it and hopefully he'll grow as attached as i was too her. Things come into your life sometimes for a reason and completely change the way you think of life. And that bike did that for me. might sound sad or sappy but i loved her like i love my wife. even more sometimes! farewell old friend. sad too see ya go....
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